Dear friends,

I am very enthusiastic about this issue of IE-News. We have a lot of articles and reports. We can mention a nice piece of work coming form India prepared by Vinod Saxena analysing epilepsy and divorce in India, a complex and touching history.

An article from the 2nd Eastern Mediterranean Epilepsy Congress in Dubai tells us about the important attendance of Prince Bandzile from the Kingdom of Swaziland.

Another interesting article comes from the American Epilepsy Meeting 2009 in Boston with a report on the treatment gap session dictated by Dr Steven Schachter, Dr Patrick Kwan and Eric Hargis.

Issue 1 – 2010

Our President Mike Glynn writes about the anti epilepsy Stigma Campaign and the removal of the E Word. We also have news from the Global Campaign Against Epilepsy with a report of the Chinese Demonstration Project and the launch of the Eastern Mediterranean Regional Report on epilepsy.

Also in this issue of the magazine, Janet Mifsud has provided a report on the fourth EPICURE meeting, while Shunglon Lai tells us about a visit to Vietnam and how support will be provided in that country to encourage the creation of a new IBE
member association.

Best wishes for everybody.

Dr Carlos Acevedo Sch.
IE News Editor

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